Volunteers of America Alaska
There are no limits to caring.
Volunteers of America is a national, nonprofit, spiritually based organization providing local human service programs and creating opportunities for individual and community involvement.
In Alaska, Volunteers of America offers one-on-one help to six thousand Alaskans each year. We are locally governed and have provided compassionate and ethical service since 1981, when we first opened our doors to troubled teens at the ARCH residential facility in Eagle River. Since then, we have expanded to offer a wide array of services in many different programs offering help to young children, adolescents, families, and the elderly. Each program and service focuses on helping and healing the individual as a whole person - body, mind, and spirit.
Volunteers of America Alaska
1675 C St #201
Anchorage AK 99501-5153
Tel: 907 279-9634
Fax: 907 279-0148
E-mail: voaak@voaak.org
Volunteers of America ia a national, nonprofit, spiritually based organization providing local human service programs and creating opportunities for individual and community involvement. It is one of the nation's largest and most comprehensive charitable human service organizations with programs dealing with today's most pressing social need.
- Adolescent Treatment
- Prevention & Intervention
- Restorative Justice Services
- Retired & Senior Volunteer Program
- Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol
