Rainforest Recovery Center
Rainforest Recovery Center (RRC) offers comprehensive treatment services for people with substance abuse, substance dependence, and other Addiction Disorders. At RRC, we know that addiction is treatable and success can be achieved when individuals take an active role in their personal recovery.
At RRC, our clients receive individualized care. We provide a thorough understanding of alcoholism, drug addiction, and the addiction process and we help our clients develop a support system to stop the addiction process and prevent relapse. RRC offers residential and outpatient substance abuse/dependence treatment programs designed to help clients and their families achieve success.
Rainforest Recovery Center
Bartlett Regional Hospital
3250 Hospital Dr
Juneau AK 99801-7808
Tel: 907 796-8690
Services Offered
- Intake Assessment and Diagnosis
- Individualized Treatment Planning
- Group Counseling
- Individual Counseling
- Family and Couples Counseling
- Saturday Family Program
- Urine Drug Screens for RRC Clients
- Referral Assistance
- Case Management Services
- 24-Hour Emergency Services Program
A variety of levels of care are available at RRC. Admission into specific programs is determined by an assessment of each person's treatment needs and referrals are coordinated through the intake counselor and RRC social work services.
