Nugen's Ranch
Nugen's Ranch serves adult men and women who have abused alcohol and drugs. The beautiful Matanuska-Susitna Valley setting, daily Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings, NA meetings, farm activities, work therapy, individual and small group counseling combine to create a supportive low-key family atmosphere.
Nugen's Ranch
Alaska Addiction Rehabilitation Services
3701 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy
Wasilla AK 99654-7521
Tel: 907 376-4534
Fax: 907 376-2348
Who benefits from treatment at Nugen's Ranch?
- Adults who are diagnosed as addicts or chronic alcoholics with psychosis;
- People whose lives have been severely disrupted by the use of alcohol and/or drugs;
- People who have not been successful in previous treatment programs and have had several admissions to detoxification programs;
- Individuals who have been sober 72 hours before their arrival at the Ranch.
What is the Ranch like?
Nugen's Ranch is the real thing. A large homey facility with standard living and learning areas. A large garden, animal pens and sheds, and a large greenhouse take up the remaing area of the eight-acre site that fronts the Palmer-Wasilla Highway. The care of pigs and work in the greenhouse provides food for the program and an importent sense of self-worth to its clients. Clients may also help run the Thrift Store and market seedlings and plants to the public as part of their work therapy. An arts and crafts/wood workshop and a workout room are also available to Nugen's clients.
The Nugen's Ranch Program
Every treatment plan begins with a careful, personlized assessment. The client and the counselor draft a treatment plan together, that lists problem areas, target issues, and the steps needed to solve them. Through individual weekly sessions, therapy groups and other personal growth activities, each client learns how to apply healthy solutions to problems in all areas of their life.
The treatment program at Nugen's Ranch is based on the AA Twelve Step philosophy. That philosophy, which has guided thousands of Alaskans to sober lives, believes that alcoholism and drug addictions are overcome and controlled by a basic change in self-understanding and an improved sense of self-worth.
Staff members at Nugen's Ranch lead educational programs, provide healthy adult role models, and make themselves available for individuals help on special issues like money management and good eating habits. The staff is always willing to participate in the many special celebrations and down-home social activities at the Ranch.
New Skills for Sobriety
Just sobering up isn't enough for recovery for a long-term abuser. Recovery means a return to physical and mental well-being, as well as sobriety. Clients learn new skills for staying sober, and develop new habits that can support staying clean and sober for the rest of their lives.
Nugen's Ranch is a place where clients and staff are involved in the daily life and operation of the community. Our Valley neighbors appreciate and support this participation. Clients have been proud to win ribbons and awards for crafts and greenhouse produce at the Alaska State Fair. Other community activities, like creating parade floats or amateur theater productions, help our clients achieve a feelling of belonging in the community, and sense of fulfillment important to building their self esteem.
The recovery process can take up to two years depending on the severity of the clients addiction and/or mental health issues. Recovery at Nugen's Ranch is a return to physical and mental well-being and a sober life, reinforced by sober life skills.
And Afterward?
Each client works with a counselor to develop an "after-care" plan before they retun to their home. This plan provides for continuing support for clients in whatever setting they return to, after their discharge from Nugen's Ranch. The plan includes referrals to available community agencies, as needed.
Strong follow-up after-care programs, following discharge, help to insure the success of the treatment, and add another voice of support to the addicts recovery effort.
Clients may contact the Ranch staff by telephone, letter or personal visit for support, guidance...or just to keep in touch at any time after a successful discharge.
