Family Centered Services of Alaska
FCSA is located in Fairbanks and provides clinical outpatient and residential mental health services and outpatient substance abuse services to the interior and northern regions of Alaska. FCSA serves adults but specializes in services for children. Most children we serve have been in mental health residential treatment facilities, or are in imminent risk of being placed in such facilities, and children that require long-term treatment and support. A significant percent of the children we serve are in need of stable living situations, a need we provide for through a network of small residential facilities, family group homes and foster homes.
Family Centered Services of Alaska
1825 Marika Rd
Fairbanks AK 99709-5521
Tel: 907 474-0890
Our Mission is to Serve Alaska by Providing Family and Child Centered Services with Unconditional Care.
Family Centered Services of Alaska (FCSA) is a nationally accredited nonprofit 501(c) (3) corporation founded in 1989 and managed by a nine member board of directors. The original founders of the organization were community members with a diverse range of professional backgrounds committed to helping children with a wide spectrum of mental health disabilities. Today the organization provides individualized mental health and substance abuse treatment, and education services to children, young adults, and their families in the least restrictive setting possible.
The top priority of the organization is to provide treatment and support to children and families so that they may have the opportunity to live happy and meaningful lives. The core value of FCSA as noted in our mission statement is "unconditional care" this is the basis for how services are delivered, how staff are trained, and how programs are designed. We strive to achieve our core foundational value by providing individualized services to children using a treatment plan that is inclusive of the child, family, nonprofessional and professional community members.
